An Introduction to Royal Vampirism and the Way of Three

What is vampirism? In today’s society, asking this question will lead you in several different directions ranging from a philosophical and aesthetic way of life, to pure mythology and fiction, to documented cases where individuals claim that the practice of blood or energy consumption is essential to maintaining their physical, spiritual and/or psychological wellbeing. Blood drinkers are often scientifically referred to as ‘clinical vampires’ suffering from Reinfield’s Syndrome: a psychological condition which is simply defined as an obsessive need to consume blood. For our purposes, as it’s been previously defined within the Draconem culture, we will refer to this as martial or sanguine/sanguivore vampirism. Further defined, martial vampirism is vampirism perceived as an event where blood and/or energy as a substance is primary, and the source of this substance (barring basic safety concerns) is largely irrelevant.

Basic scientific observation has indicated individuals who engage in martial vampirism feel psychological and physical effects following an act of vampiric consumption, but only fleetingly. Individuals who practice psychic martial vampirism (replacing corporal contact and consumption with energy work) are engaged in the same attempts, reporting the same fleeting connection, health issues and subsequent addiction.

Those engaging in this practice will experience and report a temporary high or “feeling better”, while quickly realizing it’s ultimately unsustainable. The positive effects quickly morph into perceived and/or actual dependency on repeated vampiric consumption: a psychological and physical addiction for arbitrary blood and/or energy.

They are essentially engaging in one-third of a three-part transformation: an incomplete practice which leads to temporary fluxes in their health and neuro-condition, fleetingly mimicking the authentic benefits of the Royal Vampirism or the Way of Three.

The Way of Three is optimized vampiric feeding. It requires consuming and mastering three forms of energy.

Internal energy (Knowledge, Psychology, Magic)
External energy (Psychic/Eros/Ambient)
Physical/Biological energy (Blood/Nutrition)

While we believe the nature of energy/blood exchange is key, it is our fundamental belief, in theory and practice, that a fulfilled vampire is defined by more than an act of communion itself. Vampirism is self-evident It is not what the vampire lacks; it is who and what the vampire is. It is his personality, genetic makeup, and development that create an atmosphere conducive to the exchange, thus making the ritual of communion what it is. It is because the royal vampire is rich in mind, body and soul/energy, that his “blood” is rich. It is because he is intelligent, articulate, and possesses clarity, that communion with him is unlike any other.

In direct contrast to martial vampirism, royal vampires  manipulate and engage in broader communion with multiple forms of feeding; manipulating energy within themselves, their environment, and other individuals, forming the basis for The Way of Three and its affects. This communion can take a wide variety of forms, from blood drinking rituals to sexual intimacy, from conversations to business relations to losing oneself in study or skill. This exchange of energy is not simply predatory, but is universally beneficial. It breeds a high level of creativity and forward emotion, rather than depleting either source. The energy it creates remains, building blocks for empowering the self, which can then be translated into practical use,  and radiated outwards into the collective.

Fulfilled royal vampires are self-sustained, possess clear thinking, and a focused understanding of the processes that make up the living world. A balanced and complete souls, they are coded with archetypal and mythological language, morality, and the ability to see a bigger picture, including the patterns and inter-connectivity of which reality is comprised. They exist on a plane separate from non-vampires, manifested in a number of ways. A royal vampire will seek other royal vampires to join with, creating what some have called a phoenix: the personification of manifested energy between two royal vampires, the power of which can affect reality, both locally and universally.

How does one become a royal vampire? The answer to this question is both simple and complex; both dismissive of those with no preexisting disposition and destiny, while encouraging of those who discover themselves through an emerging evolutionary process which most vampires refer to as Awakening. Some vampires awaken on their own, typically through a form of ego death; others are fortunate enough to be exposed to a mentor or mentors which can trigger the process, leading to their own transformation or “turning”.

Once a vampire has awakened and learns to feed via the Way of Three he will possess a clearer understanding of who he is, and his place in the universe. This affords him a type of easy confidence and understanding that will produce familiarity in other vampires. Inversely, this awakening may also produce negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, or even obsession and dependency in non-vampires. Nevertheless, having a clear understanding of self will allow the royal vampire to move on to other, higher levels or branches of understanding, such as archetypal and mythical coding, or spiritual pursuits. He will have to negotiate his new clarity and perception, assuming his place in a world  heavily populated by systems and individuals completely oblivious, and at times even contradictory, to his way of thinking. It will be up to him to find ways to live in this world and contribute to it, while not being of it.

But where did royal vampirism begin? Its origins and practices are firmly embedded between the lines and underneath the thrust of mankind’s history, partially visible in myth and tales of magic, early civilizations, otherkin and advanced occult practices. Its methods are still generally kept secret. It’s manifestations are timeless.

Throughout history, both royal and noble families have engaged in royal vampirism. By virtue of economies and class systems, the Way of Three could only be practiced by the wealthy and those who had access to nourishments of the body and mind. And, thus, through noble birth comes noble minds, seeking out those who are the same, in order to promote evolution of the lineage. It is then said that Vampirism, or Uberism, is best described as the synchronized union of two or more vampires in communion,  through conversation, acquisition of knowledge, sexual intimacy, blood drinking, and other points of connection. Those who could not afford to nourish their minds intellectually or spiritually, or consume energy from rich ambient sources, were forced to rely on blood only and became malnourished predators in the shadows, leading to the myth of the ‘wraith’ or outcast vampire in stories and fables.

Over time, as the practices of royal vampirism became ritualized and exposed, the act of blood drinking seeped into the collective, and into the masses while the remaining two ways were lost in time, buried under tangical witchcraft and Victorian spiritualism and eventually eclipsed by secular psychology. There it was feared, shunned, and finally bastardized, twisted, and romanticized in popular art into an unrecognizable inversive myth. Instead of royal communion, vampirism became characterized as predatory sport. Vampires were often depicted as predatory monsters preying on human beings. The shapeshifting described in several versions of the mythos, an integral part of Mithraism, became objectified into the idea that vampires could literally shapeshift into bats, or mist, or wolves, leading to yet another tangical story of werewolves. Additionally, early vampires, especially those who were Scythian or Scottish, avoided the sun due to their genetic traits and lack of melatonin, burned easily, a characteristic that in time became a caricature of the vampire as ‘burning’ in the sun. Physical traits eclipsed the more telling and vital multidimensional traits of a royal vampire – “a sleepless mind in his heart and an insatiable personality.” (The Vampire Lestat, Memnoch the Devil)

Stories and novels became widely spread myths and the origins of vampires; the witches, or druids, kings and queens, became mired in tales of hideous monsters and decrepid wraiths shunned by society. Dracula, by Bram Stoker, taken most often as a story about a dark and evil creature preying on common ladies, is actually a story about a nobleman seeking out the reincarnation of his noble wife to engage in royal communion. The Vampire Chronicles, a popular vampire series by Anne Rice, exemplifies the concept of multidimensional nourishment; the vampires in Ricean mythology embody the spirit of the Royal Vampire, hungry not only for blood but for intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, communion with other vampires, and higher forms of energy.

Today the perversion continues; the majority of awakened vampires embrace consumption, without being aware that more is necessary, which has led to a population of depleted, unhealthy vampires desperately seeking more and more blood (or psychic energy)

The vampire, upire, uber, witch and druid, has been lost in time, replaced by hideous modern versions, and inversed myths that have led to the total misunderstanding and misdirection of what vampirism is and what it can accomplish.

It is our goal to not only educate those to whom royal vampirism is a gift, tradition and alchemical process, but to broaden the minds of the rest of the vampire world as well. We believe the time has come to draw a firm and distinct line between the practice and theories driving the act of martial vampirism, along with salacious fictional accounts of what a vampire is or might be, and the purity and purpose of royal vampirism and those who practice it in its various forms.





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